Munira Hailati is a second-year doctoral student in the Department of Education, with a program emphasis on Culture, Language, and Human Development. Her advisor is Dr. Amy Kyratzis.

Munira received her MA degree with the focus on Education Policy in the Department of Education Policy, Organization & Leadership at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and her bachelor degree of Administrative Management at Beihang University of China. Her current research interests broadly focus on children’s language socialization and language practices in multilingual migration communities. She’s also interested in school districts’ and parents’ cooperation on developing family-based literacy programs.

Before Munira started pursuing studies in the education field, she worked as an external fundraising associate partner in a nonprofit migrant school, as well as a literature teacher in international schools.

GGSE:What past experiences made you interested in multilingual language development and family-based literacy programs?
Hailati: My interest in multilingual language development and family-based literacy programs stems from my upbringing in a multicultural and multilingual environment. Growing up, I was exposed to different languages and cultures, such as Kazakh, Mandarin, English, Russian etc., which sparked my curiosity and fascination for languages. I learned my native language Kazakh at home from my family members, and this experience has shown me the importance of family-based literacy programs in fostering language development and maintaining cultural heritage. This led me to develop a passion for promoting multilingualism and literacy in families, and I am eager to contribute to this field through my studies and work.

GGSE:What led you to choose UCSB’s Department of Education for your graduate studies?
Hailati: I chose UCSB's Department of Education to pursue my doctorate for several reasons. Firstly, I was drawn to work with my advisor Professor Amy Kyratzis, who has a strong track record of research in my field of interest. I believe that working with Professor Kyratzis will provide me with the mentorship and guidance to develop my research skills and contribute meaningfully to the field. Secondly, UCSB's Department of Education offers rich interdisciplinary research opportunities and training emphasis that align with my research interests such as LISO (the Language, Interaction, and Social Organization Ph.D. emphasis) and Applied Linguistics, and access to a wealth of resources that will enable me to conduct high-quality research. I have been in this program for a year and a half right now, I have to say choosing UCSB’s Department of Education is definitely a great decision. I am really enjoying studying and doing my research here.

GGSE: Are you working on any projects that you are excited about right now?
Hailati: Yes, I am currently working on two projects that I am very excited about. The first project focuses on researching Central Asian immigrant families' family language practices in Southern California. I am looking for how these families maintain their heritage language and culture in the United States, as well as how children in these families develop their ethno-cultural-linguistic identity through their language interactions with family members and peers. The second project is centered in a community-based literacy program, I am exploring children and youths' language and literacy learning experiences in this program. Overall, I am enjoying working on these projects and look forward to contributing to the field of language and literacy development.

GGSE: What do you most enjoy doing when you have time for yourself?
Hailati: One of my favorite hobbies is digital painting, which allows me to express my creativity and create works of art. I am even thinking about creating a child literacy book recently! I also enjoy baking, experimenting with different recipes, and sharing my creations with friends and family. Additionally, I like to spend time outdoors hiking, exploring new trails, and enjoying nature. I also enjoy working out, which helps me stay healthy and energized. These hobbies help me to unwind and relax, and I find them to be a great way to balance my personal and research life.

Munira Hailati