Student photographs aloe

a Harding student photographs an aloe

The fourth graders from Harding University Partnership School worked on the project a Color Book during their visit to UC Santa Barbara on Friday, May 17. The students learned about elements of design in photography, including color, pattern, framing, and perspective. The students also wrote poems to accompany their pages in the Color Book. Their finished Color Book project [large pdf] is available on-line.

This session, which brought together science, computers, art, and creative writing, was led by Gevirtz School Education Lectutrer Patrick Faverty, the school’s Information Technology Director Bill Doering, and Santa Barbara Poet Laureate (and UCSB Library staff member) Chryss Yost.

This was just one of the sessions held for the annual visit of the entire student body of Harding to the UC Santa barbara campus.

The historic Harding School – whose students are nearly 95% Hispanic, more than 90% economically disadvantaged, and more than 60 % of its pupils are English Language Learners – has been involved in major changes over the past five years. These efforts were punctuated by the January 2010 announcement of an unprecedented partnership with UC Santa Barbara.

The Harding University Partnership School is a place of joy, excellence, and international focus. Of particular distinction is the University School’s status as an International Baccalaureate Program, making it the only Santa Barbara elementary school currently pursuing this highly acclaimed approach that emphasizes 21st century skills and international mindedness.

The stellar teaching staff is assisted by graduate level teacher candidates from UCSB providing greater support for students at every grade level with the latest research-based practices. Faculty researchers and UCSB undergraduate tutors partner with teachers to deliver the latest evidence-based instruction.