a teacher candidate with students

The Teacher Education Program at UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School will hold a “New Views” exhibition – a chance for people who are invested in being and building great teachers to come together and take stock of teacher candidates’ learning – on Monday, April 13 from 5 – 7 pm at the Education Building, first floor. The event will take the form of a gallery walk and will include our GGSE and K-12 community. Light refreshments will be provided.

At the center of the exhibition will be teacher candidates’ representations of their own “new views” on children, learning, and the practice of teaching. For many, these views have been directly impacted by their international and “alternative” school placements. Each teacher candidate will present an artifact that illustrates, points out, or symbolizes the candidate’s re-visioning This artifact might be either a concrete record of practice, such as photo or video images or student work or perhaps something more symbolic that represents, through association or metaphor, a “new view.”

For teacher candidates, the exhibition will be an opportunity to formulate a new foundation for learning to teach, through the effort to articulate one's own position, the consideration of colleagues' positions, and the interest and critique of other professionals.