Ojai Teaching Academy

A previous year's Ojai Teaching Academy cohort.

UCSB’s Gevirtz Graduate School of Education and the Oak Grove School will offer the 7th Annual Summer Teaching Academy, a nine-day intensive education program in Ojai, California, June 22 – July 1. The program will provide grounding for both new educators and renewal for veterans in the educational field.

“Re-envisioning Education and the Craft of Teaching and Learning” is a Teacher Education Program that revisits fundamental questions in education, while practically and experientially embedding this inquiry in concrete teaching-learning situations. The Academy’s pedagogy is aimed at developing an inquiry based, self-generative, constructivist ethos, in a contemplative setting of mutual respect, self understanding and shared learning. The course is credited by UCSB Extension (6 units).

For more info and online application: http://goo.gl/7I0VA

The program will be facilitated by Gopal Krishnamurthy (coordinator) and Karen Hesli (co-coordinator). Gopal Krishnamurthy has been a teacher for 18 years, teaching in India, the UK, and the USA. He has taught a variety of subjects including physics, mathematics, geography, environmental studies, philosophy, drama, and Indian classical music, at high school, middle school and college levels. Krishnamurthy has spent most of his life since the age of 4 as a student and teacher at the Krishnamurti schools. He is currently a PhD student in Education at the University of California Santa Barbara; his research interests include teacher development, classroom observation and J.Krishnamurti’s educational philosophy.

Karen Hesli has worked in education for 40 years. After graduating from the University of Minnesota in 1970, she taught middle school and conducted human relations training for teachers during the desegregation of Minneapolis Public Schools throughout the 1970s. Inspired by the profound implications of J. Krishnamurti’s writings and talks on the nature of mind and the art of learning, she visited the K schools in India and England, and moved to Ojai in 1980. Since then she has held various teaching and administrative positions at the Oak Grove School and is currently a board member of the school, a trustee of the KFA, and a part-time teacher with middle school students.