Dr. J Fellows 2019

(l-r): 2019 Dr. J donors: Joseph Beyers, Katie Gasik (Dr. J’s granddaughter) and Kathy Beyers, with 2019 recipients: Luis Quintero, Jayne Ward, Jennifer Kloster, Elsa Miranda, Rylee Theodore. Not pictured: Amanda Henderson and Jenna Mazurkiewicz.

The Teacher Education Program at the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education at UC Santa Barbara has named its 2019 Dr. J Student Teacher Fellows:

Amanda Henderson
Jennifer Kloster
Jenna Mazurkiewicz
Elsa Miranda
Luis Quintero
Rylee Theodore
Jayne Ward

The Dr. J Student Teacher Fellowship honors the legacy of Dr. Richard Jamgochian, former Director of the Teacher Education Program. From 1968-1991 Dr. Jamgochian, or “Dr. J,” as he was affectionately known, was an enthusiastic and tireless advocate for teacher education in general and for the UCSB Teacher Education Program (TEP) in particular. Colleagues credit his personal management style for building and refining TEP, which prepared more than 5,000 teachers during his tenure and was cited by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing in 1991 as “an exemplary program.”

Recipients of the fellowship not only must show promise as future teachers but also must exemplify the ideals that Dr. J promoted. According to Dr. J, teaching involves much more than imparting knowledge. He believed that teachers should see student self-actualization as their greatest goal.

The Dr. J Student Teacher Fellowships are offered by the Gevirtz School through the Teacher Education Program. TEP offers Multiple-Subject, Single-Subject and both Level I Education Specialist Mild/Moderate and Moderate/Severe Teaching Credentials with a Master’s Degree in Education. These programs provide future teachers with a solid theoretical foundation integrated with extensive fieldwork, leading to both a California State Teaching Credential and a Master’s Degree in Education.