The Gervirtz School’s CalTeach program will hold an informational meeting on Tuesday, November 17th from 11 am – 12 noon in the Engineering Sciences Building room 2001 for undergraduates interested in becoming science and math teachers. Free pizza will be served.
UCSB undergraduates, faculty, and STEM teachers will talk about the CalTeach undergraduate program, paid undergraduate internships, and scholarship opportunities to pursue a teaching credential through the Teacher Education Program.
UCSB’s CalTeach program provides opportunities for STEM undergraduates to explore STEM teaching as a career and offers a Minor in Science and Mathematics Education that now has two different tracks—one each for elementary and secondary education. CalTeach also supports two National Science Foundation Noyce Teacher Scholarship Programs for graduate student teacher candidates in UCSB’s Teacher Education Program: CalTeach Physical Sciences and Engineering (CTPSE) and STEM Teachers for English Language Learners: Excellence and Retention (STELLER).
Contact Sue Johnson at sjohnson@education.ucsb.edu with any questions.