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To help increase the exposure of the UC Santa Barbara student body to the latest research in a variety of disciplines that concern educational issues, the Gevirtz School, with support from UCSB Associated Students, will begin the new lecture series “ExpandED: Broadening the Understanding of Today’s Educational Issues” with events on April 4th, April 18th, and May 9th. This interdisciplinary series will feature graduate students from across the country discussing their ongoing research, much of which will be dedicated to improving diversity and equity in education.

“The series is intended to engage current undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and local community members with the most policy-relevant and cutting-edge research in education being conducted by graduate students and provide undergraduate and graduate students at UCSB with an opportunity to network with accomplished graduate students at other institutions,” says Jacob Kirksey, series organizer and doctoral candidate in the Department of Education. “The goal of the series is to make research more accessible to undergraduate students by reducing potential power discrepancies and otherwise limited interactions with faculty.”

An overview of the three events—each will feature two speakers (further details will follow as each event will get its own press release):

Have We Lost Faith in Higher Education and Should We?
April 4th, 4 pm to 5 pm, 4108 Education Building, UCSB

Matt Motta, University of Minnesota and Sabrina Solanki, University of California, Irvine

Helping Special Populations Succeed in K-12
April 18, 12 pm to 1 pm, 4108 Education Building, UCSB

David Liu, University of California, Irvine and Bryant Hopkins, New York University

Social ABCs: The Role Social Attitudes, Beliefs and Cognition Play in Schooling and Relationships
May 9, 12 pm to 1 pm, 4108 Education Building, UCSB

Colin McGinnis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln and Carly Robinson, Harvard University