The 2013-14 Hearst and Tuohy Scholars

The 2013-14 Hearst and Tuohy Scholars (from l-r): Adam Anderson, Michael Lutz, Anmarie Economos, Allen Lu, Monica Cadenasso, Stephen Hine, Thalia Moshtagh, and Megan Phillips (not pictured: Alyssa Breeher, Lauren Selonke, Emily Turner, and Matthew Wilson)

The Gevirtz School at UC Santa Barbara has named its 2013-14 Hearst and Tuohy Scholars, twelve students working on their teaching credentials in mathematics and science.

The 2013-14 Hearst Scholars are:

Alyssa Breeher
Monica Cadenasso
Anmarie Economos
Stephen Hine
Allen Lu
Michael Lutz
Thalia Moshtagh
Megan Phillips
Lauren Selonke
Emily Turner

The 2013-14 Tuohy Scholars are:

Adam Anderson
Matthew Wilson

The Hearst Foundations are national philanthropic resources for organizations and institutions working in several fields, including education. It provides for fellowships open to those pursuing single subject credentials in science or mathematics in UCSB’s Teacher Education Program. Because of monies given to UCSB’s Teacher Education Program, up to five $5,000 scholarships will also be awarded for the 2014-2015 year.

The Alice Tweed Tuohy Foundation is a non-profit organization in Santa Barbara. It provides for fellowships to those pursuing single subject credentials in science or mathematics in UCSB’s Teacher Education Program. Up to two $10,000 scholarships will also be awarded for the 2014-2015 year.