Noyce Fellows 2019-20

The 2019-20 Noyce Fellows: (back row, l to r): Rhett Spencer, Kevin Vadez, Jared Hoch, Liz O'Neill, Trenton Rubio, Alan Cain; (front row, l to r): Ashley Ong, Gillian Leibelt, and Eduardo Bernal (on leave of absence); not pictured: Tessa Hutchison, Ethan McSwain, Samantha Rojas, Kyler Stupar.

The Gevirtz School at UC Santa Barbara has named its 2019-20 Noyce Scholars, working in two different grant-funded cohorts. Eight Students are STEM Teachers for English Language Learners: Excellence and Retention (STELLER) Noyce Scholars; they are working on their teaching credentials in mathematics and science in the Teacher Education Program (TEP) who are focused on teaching English Language Learners (ELLs). Four other TEP students are CalTeach Physical Sciences and Engineering (CTPSE) Noyce Scholars, working on their teaching credentials in science (physics). All the fellowships are funded by the National Science Foundation.

The 2019-20 Noyce Scholars are:

Alan Cain
Tessa Hutchison
Gillian Leibelt
Ethan McSwain
Samantha Rojas
Trenton Rubio
Kyler Stupar
Kevin Valdez

Jared Hoch
Elizabeth O'Neill
Ashley Ong
Rhett Spencer

UCSB teacher candidates pursuing a credential in mathematics or science can apply to be a Noyce STELLER Teacher Scholar and receive up to a $14,500 scholarship. Scholars focus on ways to effectively teach mathematics and science to English Language Learners (ELLs). Each candidate also participates in cohort-building, educational enrichment, and career guidance opportunities. Finally, scholars complete a second methods course in science or mathematics on how to teach their discipline to ELLs. In exchange for the scholarship, after graduation, Noyce Teacher Scholars must teach for two years in a high-need school district.

The purpose of CalTeach Physical Sciences and Engineering (CTPSE) is to encourage undergraduates in chemistry, engineering, computer science, and physics to pursue a secondary science teaching credential in chemistry or physics. CTPSE, part of the larger CalTeach program, is the second Noyce program awarded to UCSB. CTPSE includes opportunities to learn to teach from award-winning science teachers at Dos Pueblos High School’s Engineering Academy (DPEA).