Maker Faire flyer

The Teacher Education Program at UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School will hold its fourth annual School Maker Faire on Saturday, May 4 10 am – 12 pm at the Education Building on the UCSB campus. Like other Maker Faires, this event will celebrate “making,” that is hands-on activities related to robotics, circuits, crafts, building, and other pursuits.

A sample of the activities include computer programming in virtual reality, soft robotics, robotics, and a book signing from the Girls Inc. Curie-osity Project and more.

The event is run by a leadership team centered in the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education headed by Associate Professor Danielle Harlow. In addition to graduate students in the Department of Education working with Harlow, the event will feature numerous elementary teacher candidates in the Teacher Education Program at UCSB as presenters.

The event is free, but students do have to pre-register for planning purposes. Contact Danielle Harlow at