Launch/Re:Launch 2019-20, the annual Gevirtz School publication, recently mailed to alumni, fellow educators and applied psychologists, and friends of the school, is now accessible on-line. It can be found on the Gevirtz School website's News & Press Page, as with all previous editions of the magazine, in both its Launch/Re:Launch and Profiles iterations. But direct links are also here: Launch 2019-20 and Re:Launch 2019-20.
This year we also offer two (at this time--more to come) videos that expand on the content of the magazine. If you care to learn more about our ten year collaboration with the Harding University Partnership School (HUPS), UCSB's Office of Public Affairs and Communcations created a fine HUPS video snapshot of what makes the project so fulfilling. And if you care to know more about the latest research and practice on the training of mentors for new teachers, see the video Karin Lohwasser and her team have created with their NASCENT project: "Developing Effective Mentor Teachers: Tools and Practices."