The 2019-20 GSAE Officers: (front row, l-r) Jing Yu, Meghan Macias, Samantha Harris; (back row, l-r) Matthew Shackley, Konnor McMillen, Stephanie Arguera, John Cano Barrios
The Graduate Students Association in Education (GSAE) – the official students’ association that exists to promote and represent the interests of students in the Gevirtz School’s Department of Education to the UC Santa Barbara campus community on administrative, academic, and student affairs – has announced its elected officials for 2019-20.
Stephanie Arguera – President
John Cano Barrios – Vice President of Budget and Finance
Konnor McMillen – First Year Cohort Representative
Meghan Macias – Vice President of Social and Community Building
Samantha Harris – Vice President of Communications and Marketing
Matthew Shackley – First Year Cohort Representative
Jing Yu – International Student Representative
The Graduate Students Association in Education is one of two official student leadership groups within the Gevirtz School that exists to promote and represent the administrative, academic, and student affairs interests of students in the GGSE and to the UCSB campus community. GSAE elected officers and the general student population, make decisions by consensus to promote student participation in a manner that is rewarding, challenging, and supportive. Activities supported by the GSAE include providing student mentorship, relaying school and campus information and organizing events of interest to GGSE students.
To make suggestions, share ideas or become involved in GSAE related activities, join other students by attending general open-session meetings (determined each quarter), volunteering for student-centered events and support other students by serving as mentors to a new or junior peer. Other opportunities arise throughout the year based on scheduled activities.
For additional information, refer to the GSAE Council webpage: gsae.weebly.com for the latest news, calendar, and GSAE details. To contact GSAE, please feel free to e-mail the council: gsae@education.ucsb.edu.