the 2015-16 Graduate Students Association in Education officers

The 2015-16 Graduate Students Association in Education officers: Jasmine McBeath (top left), Walter Aminger (bottom left), Heather Macias (center), Tiffany Ibarra (top right), Ali Hansen (bottom right)

The Graduate Students Association in Education (GSAE) – the official students’ association that exists to promote and represent the interests of students in the Gevirtz School’s Department of Education to the UC Santa Barbara campus community on administrative, academic, and student affairs – has announced its elected officials for 2015-16.

Heather Macias – President
Walter Aminger – Vice President, Finance
Tiffany Ibarra – Vice President, Communications
Ali Hansen – Vice President, Internal Relations
Jasmine McBeath – Vice President, External Relations

As a body of student representatives, the GSAE consists of elected officers as well as the general student population. Decisions are made by consensus, with all members having a voice in decision-making. The purpose of the association is to promote student participation in a manner that is rewarding, challenging, and supportive. Some of the responsibilities of GSAE are to provide mentorship and relay campus information to new and continuing students. The Council also organizes and participates in numerous events including the Fall Orientation and Spring Graduation Reception, as well as colloquia on topics of interest to graduate students throughout the year.