t-shirt contest graphic

The Graduate Students Association in Education (GSAE) is holding a t-shirt design contest open to all UC Santa Barbara undergraduate or graduate students, staff, and faculty. The deadline to submit a t-shirt design is February 21 at 9 pm.

All t-shirt design submissions must adhere to the following guidelines. The shirt should contain these elements: “UCSB” or “University of California Santa Barbara” and “GGSE” or “Gevirtz Graduate School of Education.” Any images or logos could relate generally to the theme of collaboration or the community. There is no limit to the color scheme or the font, so there is plenty of room for creativity. Additionally, the shirt can have designs on both the front and back. The designs can be submitted to education-gsae@ucsb.edu. Ensure that all submissions contain files for logos or images along with a t-shirt template to indicate the placement of the logos or images.

The winning design will be produced and distributed at the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education’s first interdisciplinary conference in April.

The GSAE is an official students’ association that exists to promote and represent the interests of students in the GGSE’s Department of Education to the UC Santa Barbara campus community on administrative, academic, and student affairs. The GSAE is one of the two official student leaderships groups within GGSE. The elected officers and the general student population make decisions by consensus to promote student participation in a manner that is rewarding and supportive. Activities supported by the GSAE include providing student mentorship, relaying school and campus information and organizing events of interest to GGSE students.