Best Education Psychology 2019 Badge

Successful Student recently named the Gevirtz School at UC Santa Barbara the 19th best (and 13th best at a public university) Educational Psychology Graduate Program. The ranking is for the School Psychology (Educational Psychology) program at UCSB, within the Department of Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology (CCSP). It is particularly notable that CCSP was included in the analysis, as School Psychology is often excluded from Educational Psychology because the department has a combined accreditation by the American Psychological Association (APA)—one of the few universities to have a combined accreditation.

“The school psychology faculty at UCSB has engaged in high-quality scholarship and leadership to prepare scholars and professionals to advance science, understanding, and provide services to support diverse children, families, and communities,” highlights CCSP’s Dr. Shane Jimerson. “The UCSB tradition of excellence is reflected in the outstanding contributions of the faculty, students, and alumni of the UCSB school psychology program. It is wonderful to see these collective contributions reflected in the high ranking of the program.”

To determine this ranking, Successful Student used the school ranking at its partner site as a guide, and then determined its own ranking based on the following criteria: the quality of the programs available, types of courses offered, the faculty involved, awards, rankings, and reputation. Academic Influence uses a proprietary method of ranking schools, which is a formulation based on the influence that academics and alumni at these universities have had in the field of Educational Psychology. Successful Student serves as a leading online authority on college rankings and degree rankings, considered from a students’ point of view.