Avery Voos, one of the two winners of the 2014 CCSP Research Awards
Jessica Bradshaw and Avery Voos of the of UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School have won 2014 Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology Research Awards. Bradshaw won the prize for her work “Clinical Correlates of Social Affect in Early Infancy: Implications for Early Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder” and Voos won for “Using fMRI to Understand the Neural Mechanisms of Pivotal Response Treatment.”
These annual awards are given to projects that must be focused on research that addresses the mission of the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and/or School Psychology: to be recognized for excellence and innovation in research that fosters the psychological well-being and social equity of all people, especially vulnerable populations. The winning students must be the first author or otherwise have a leadership role in the research.
The awardees are selected based on the following criteria:
- Level of leadership within the project (e.g., sole author versus co-author, independent research versus advisor-funded research, mentorship of other students);
- Impact on the field of Counseling, Clinical, or School Psychology;
- Potential for launching the recipient’s independent research career.