Meghan Evans Lunch & Learn ad

UC Santa Barbara’s Graduate Student Resource Center, the Graduate Student Association, and the Library will co-sponsor Lunch & Learn featuring Meghan Evans, a graduate student at the Gevirtz School, on Friday, January 27 in Library Room 1312, from 12 noon to 1:15 pm. Evans will present “Adverse Childhood Experiences Screening and Strength-Based Prevention: Understanding Caregiver Perceptions.” Given the relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and a wide variety of negative physical, mental, and social outcomes, there has been a growing movement to routinely screen children and parents for ACEs at pediatric well-child visits. Increased screening necessitates an increase in effective early intervention and prevention programs. My research aims to understand caregivers' thoughts and feelings about 1) completing ACEs screeners for themselves and their children, and 2) participating in a strength-based prevention program designed to reduce stress and increase caregiver self-efficacy through psychoeducation and mindfulness.

The other talk at the event, “Binary Code Comparison: Validation of Self-Healing Ship Systems,” will be presented by Computer Science graduate student LAboni Sarker. The event is free and open to the public and includes lunch; those wishing to attend should RSVP online.

Meghan Evans is a doctoral student in Clinical Psychology working under Dr. Maryam Kia-Keating. Meghan received her B.S. in Psychology with minors in Public Health Science and Religious Studies from Santa Clara University. After graduating, she worked as a senior lab manager and post-baccalaureate research associate focused on the relationship between trauma, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), mental health, and other social determinants of health (i.e. community violence, discrimination, housing instability, mass incarceration). Her current research interests include mixed-methodology, community-based participatory methods, social determinants of health, and reducing racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in culturally-sensitive, strengths-based trauma interventions.

Lunch & Learn is a monthly informal seminar series that provides grad students with two important things: free lunch and a chance to socialize with and learn from their peers from across the campus.