The Center for School Based Youth Development (CSBYD) has changed its official name to the International Center for School Based Youth Development (iCSBYD) in recognition of its increasingly international foci. Since its initial funding in 2002, the center has thrived as a focal point for faculty whose interests focus on P-20 education and positive youth development and resilience. The name change was officially approved by David Marshall, UC Santa Barbara’s Executive Vice Chancellor, in mid-March. The iCSBYD was created through the Gevirtz Funds for Excellence provided by the generosity of Ambassador Don Gevirtz and Marilyn Gevirtz.
A good portion of the Center’s research and service activities in the past 15 years has involved partnerships with local schools and agencies; however, Center projects have increasingly been extended to include international research partnerships. Center researchers currently have projects with colleagues in Australia, Thailand, China, Korea, Japan, Peru, Mexico, Turkey, Malta, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, and Norway. In the past few years Center researchers have also hosted visiting scholars from Australia, Norway, Turkey, Italy, and Korea. The iCSBYD continues to engage in research that informs educators how to enhance school engagement and thereby promote all students’ social, emotional, and academic competence. Scholars promote the mission of the Center through grant preparation, project evaluation, community networking, school/community consultation, conference presentations, and scientific publications.
The International Center for School-Based Youth Development is a community of researchers based in the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology at the Gevirtz School. The team is: Dr. Matt Quirk (Director), Dr. Erin Dowdy, Dr. Erika Felix, Dr. Michael Furlong, Dr. Karen Nylund-Gibson, Dr. Jill Sharkey, Dr. Lauren Reed, Antoniya Terzieva, and Dr. Sukkyong You.