Hosford offers a variety of psychological services designed to meet the needs of the community including:

  • Individual therapy for adults, children, and adolescents

  • Couples and family therapy

  • Psychological assessment

The clinic offers individual adult, adolescent, and child treatment as well as family and couples therapy. The clinic staff aims to provide you with treatment that is culturally-responsive, validated by recent research, and matched to your individual needs. In addition, a staff psychiatrist is available to our clients for medication consultation and management. Clinicians also consult and collaborate with other medical, psychological, and educational professionals when necessary.

The primary clinicians are graduate students in the UCSB’s Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology doctoral program. They are learning the most up-to-date information from leading mental health researchers. Our supervisors are faculty members who are both experienced therapists and nationally known for their innovative research on a variety of mental health areas.

Your needs are first assessed as part of a phone screening in order to determine whether it is likely that we are able to provide services that meet your needs. If you need services that we are unable to offer, we will provide you with referrals. If it seems likely that we can be helpful, we will schedule an intake.

The purpose of the intake is to get to know you better and to learn more about your concerns so that we can match your needs with the clinicians and supervisors who are available. Lastly, after the intake the Case Assignment Team will determine whether we can provide the most appropriate services and make a decision on whether to begin treatment or provide you with more suitable referrals.

While you are in treatment you may explore psychological assessment options with your clinician in order to determine whether assessment/testing is appropriate and, if so, what type of instruments should be administered. Psychological assessment is often helpful in the early stages of treatment to evaluate your needs and to aid in setting treatment goals.

Please check out each of our centers to find services that seem right for you. Or give us a call and a student supervisor will be happy to explain our services to you.

The Hosford Clinic is often able to provide psychotherapy in Spanish in addition to English. Occasionally student clinicians will have other language proficiencies, please feel free to inquire if one of our current clinicians can conduct therapy in language other than English.

Our Four Specialty Clinics:

Ackerman Positive Psychology Clinic

Carol Ackerman Positive Psychology Clinic

Our mission is to help people live more meaningful, engaged, enjoyable lives. Our goal is to provide information and psychological services grounded in the science of positive psychology to encourage ongoing well-being and prevention of future mental health difficulties and to promote individual, family, and community thriving. Our prevention and remediation services include cultivating courage, creativity, optimism, interpersonal skill, spirituality, hope, honesty, perseverance, and the capacity for flow and insight.

Healing Space Student Therapist

The Healing Space

The collective toll of racism on Black Americans in the US is widespread. This ranges from police brutality to mass incarceration to the school-to-prison pipeline and in today’s world, ongoing discrimination in the US healthcare system related to COVID-19. Given the ongoing and long-standing ill effects of anti-Black racism on mental health, the Healing Space was formed to provide a therapy space to address racial trauma and foster resilience among Black and African American residents in the larger Santa Barbara area.

Mind & Behavior Assessment Clinic Session



Mind & Behavior Assessment Clinic

The Mind and Behavior Assessment Clinic (MBAC), formerly known as the Psychology Assessment Center, provides individuals of Santa Barbara county and surrounding areas a low-cost option to quality, comprehensive neuropsychological assessments. It is the belief of the MBAC that one’s finances should not be a barrier in accessing neuropsychological assessments. We also believe assessment of one’s neuropsychological functioning ought to be considered an essential aspect of one’s overall health.

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy session

Parent Child Interaction Therapy

The Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Clinic provides state-of-the-art therapy for young children and their families. PCIT is an evidence-based treatment backed by over 30 years of research for children ages 2 to 7 who have challenging behaviors. PCIT teaches parents and other caregivers how to enhance their relationship with their child, increase positive behaviors in children, and reduce problem behaviors in home, school, and public places. PCIT therapists work with the caregiver and child together to improve child behavior and reducing parenting stress. PCIT services are offered in both English and Spanish.