Aaron Haddock

Aaron Haddock of the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology of UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School has won the 2015 Center for School-Based Youth Development Award for Student Leadership in School-Based Research. Haddock won the prize for his work “A Comparison of Difference in Moral Engagement and Empathy among Bullying Participant Groups and an Examination of Empathy as a Mediating Variable.” Haddock is a fifth year Doctoral Candidate in the PhD program in Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology with an emphasis in school psychology. Haddock is advised by Dr. Shane Jimerson. His research interests include: risk and resilience, prevention science, school engagement, grade retention, international school psychology, and latent variable modeling.
The Center for School-Based Youth Development Award for Student Leadership in School-Based Research is presented to a student who has demonstrated leadership in school-based research. The project must address the mission of the Center for School-Based Youth Development (CSBYD), which is to understand the role of school engagement as a protective force in children’s lives and that promotes academic, social, emotional, and physical well-being.

The CSBYD research award is funded by a donation from alum Sunny Crandell made to Drs. Mike Furlong and Jill Sharkey to support their research, leading them to create a $100 annual cash prize for deserving graduate students.

The Center for School-Based Youth Development is a community of researchers – Dr. Michael Furlong (Director), Dr. Erin Dowdy, Dr. Erika Felix, Dr. Karen Nylund-Gibson, Dr. Matt Quirk, and Dr. Jill Sharkey. The Center was formed in 2002 through the Gevirtz Funds for Excellence through the generosity of the Ambassador Don Gevirtz and his wife Marilyn Gevirtz. The core of the CSBYD is in the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology at UCSB’s Gevirtz School.