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Three Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology (CCSP) alumni are serving on the Santa Barbara County Psychological Association (SBCPA) Board of Directors. Anna Krasno, Megan Donahue, and Avery Voos were all elected as 2021 voting officers. The SBCPA is a chapter of the California Psychological Association and includes approximately 150 licensed psychologists, assistants, and students in the Santa Barbara County.

Anna Krasno (Ph.D., ’15) is President-Elect. Krasno is the Clinical Director of the UCSB Koegel Autism Center. She trained at the Yale Child Study Center’s Autism Program, Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford University, and Child Abuse Listening and Mediation (CALM) in Santa Barbara.

Megan Donahue (Ph.D., ’15) is Past-President following her presidential term in 2020. She practices in Santa Barbara.

Avery Voos (Ph.D., ’18) was reelected as Secretary, a position she also held in 2020. Voos has worked with a wide variety of clients since her graduation. She trained at UCSB’s Koegel Autism Center and the Hirsch Mental Health Services in Los Angeles. In addition to her other responsibilities, Voos volunteers at KeenMind, a non-profit organization that focuses on mental health awareness in primary and secondary schools in the Santa Barbara community.