the 2017 cohort of CCSP interns with Erin Dowdy

Eleven graduate students from the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology (CCSP) at UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School have earned prestigious internships across the country to complete their work for a Ph.D. Each year, students in their fourth year of doctoral studies compete nationally for APA-Accredited pre-doctoral internships to complete the applied portion of their degrees.  As in years past, this year was extremely competitive with over 4,000 students vying for positions nationwide. Associate Professor Erin Dowdy, Director of Clinical Training, notes, “The CCSP students consistently obtain high-quality, competitive internships. They are an extremely talented group of students who will continue to represent our program well. More importantly, they will continue to do good work with the clients they will serve in communities across the country.”

The eleven students and their sites are:

Beatriz Bello: Boston University Medical Campus/Center for Multicultural Training, Boston, MA
Cecile Binmoeller: Sara Reed Children’s Center, Erie, PA
Danielle Dougherty: Loudon County Public Schools, Ashburn, VA
Diana Capous: UCLA Semel Institute, Los Angeles, CA
Joshua Goodman: University of Utah Counseling Center, Salt Lake City, UT
Kayleigh Hunnicutt: Santa Barbara Special Education Local Plan Area, Santa Barbara, CA
Lauren Koch: University of Texas Health Sciences Center, San Antonio, TX
Lindsey Liles: Phoenix VA Health Care System, Phoenix, AZ
Mercedes Fernandez Oromendia: The Help Group, Sherman Oaks, CA
Stephanie Adams Mendez: Momentous Institute, Dallas, TX
Stephanie Moore: University of Maryland School of Mental Health, Baltimore, MD

All the students took part in the APPIC Internship Matching Program that places applicants into psychology internship positions at training sites in the United States and Canada.
The Match is sponsored and supervised by the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC).