Shane Jimerson

Dr. Shane Jimerson of the Gevirtz School’s Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology (CCSP) has been elected onto the Society for the Study of School Psychology (SSSP) Leadership Board as President-Elect for 2019. To promote progress and research in the field of school psychology (SP), SSSP offers opportunities for scholars to advance basic and applied scientific research, disseminate research findings to broad audiences, and foster communication about the specialty of SP. Major SSSP initiatives that support the Society’s mission include an Early Career Research Award, Dissertation Grant Award, International Research Award, School Psychology Research Collaboration Conference, and Shapiro Mid-Career Award. “This funding,” says the Society’s website, “coupled with the firm commitments of scholars and practitioners toward validating effective practices and expanding the scope and effectiveness of school psychological services, can become a significant force in the design and implementation of school psychological services in the 21st century.”

Dr. Jimerson has a long history of initiating opportunities beneficial for the entire field of SP. In 2006, he envisioned and implemented the 2020 Doctoral Scholars Initiative—an effort to prepare at least twenty SP Ph.D. students, of whom 50% would be from historically underrepresented and/or marginalized groups, for faculty positions in the field of SP by the year 2020. Fourteen years later, the goal has already been surpassed. Twenty-six Ph.D. students have earned academic faculty positions at institutions across the nation, such as Cal State Los Angeles, Sacramento State, Chapman University, University of Colorado-Denver, Loyola Marymount University, North Carolina State University, Utah State University, and University of Wisconsin-Madison. Moreover, 75% of these graduates are from groups outside the stereotypical white male demographic of faculty members, which is important for the nation’s increasingly diverse student populations to be represented among campus leaders.

Now, in this position as President-Elect, Dr. Jimerson has another opportunity to provide leadership within SP. This term will be informed by his previous service as SSSP Secretary in 2002, as well as a long record of leadership positions for other SP organizations. Dr. Jimerson has chaired and served on numerous boards and advisory committees at the state, national, and international levels, including; President-Elect of the International School Psychology Association (2013-2014), Chair of the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology (2013-), President of Division 16 (School Psychology) American Psychological Association (2010-2013), Vice President for Convention Affairs and Public Relations of Division 16 (School Psychology) American Psychological Association (2008-2010), Chair of the Research Committee of the International School Psychology Association (2000- present), Chair of the Division 16 (School Psychology) conference proceedings for the 2005 American Psychological Association conference, Chair of the 2005 Division 16 Lightner Witmer Award Committee, and Chair of the School Psychology Research Collaboration Conference (2003 and 2005). His service to Division 16 of the American Psychological Association resulted in him receiving Division 16 Outstanding Service Awards in 2005 and 2010 and 2013. In addition, Dr. Jimerson received the President’s Award of Excellence from the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) in 2006 for his contributions to the PREPaRE school crisis prevention and intervention curriculum. He serves as Editor of School Psychology Quarterly and has served as the Editor of The California School Psychologist journal, as Associate Editor of School Psychology Review and has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of School Psychology, School Psychology Review, and School Psychology Quarterly and also provides professional reviews of manuscripts for Psychology in the Schools, Review of Educational Research, and Journal of Educational Psychology.

To learn more about SSSP, visit their website, and about Dr. Shane Jimerson, visit his faculty webpage.