Isabelle Fleury

Isabelle Fluery, M.Ed., doctoral student in the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology, will deliver the keynote talk at the seventh annual UC Santa Barbara Mental health Conference on Saturday, May 7 at 10:15 am. Her speech will address the preliminary results from her dissertation study, which investigates how Black undergraduate students experience racial stress and if campus health providers should screen Black students for racial stress. Using a public health framework that recognizes racism as a social determinant of health, Fluery will highlight the advantageous position that colleges and universities are in to integrate academic, career, health, and crisis support services for their students.

UCSB’s 7th Annual Mental Health Conference, in addition to this keynote, will feature student panelists sharing their experience with mental health, various workshops about mental health topics relating to self-care and relationships, and free breakfast and lunch during the event. Learn more and register on line.

Isabelle Fluery is a doctoral candidate working with Dr. Erin Dowdy in the School Psychology emphasis of the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology. Since beginning her graduate studies, she has worked with several local schools and mental health clinics, including the Healing Space and the Trauma Adversity Resilience & Prevention Program at UCSB. Her research focuses on methods of improving the cultural humility and competence, accessibility, sustainability, and efficacy of campus-based mental health services.