Koegel Autism Center exterior

UC Santa Barbara’s Koegel Autism Center is offering online time-limited Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) services at no-cost to qualifying families of children with autism spectrum disorder as part of a research study. The program will teach parents and caregivers to manage their child’s difficult emotional reactions and behaviors and promote a number of adaptive skills using a play-based approach. The intervention consists of ten parent coaching and education sessions, featuring personalized in-vivo coaching from doctoral student clinicians who are supervised by licensed psychologists. Sessions will take place live via Zoom telehealth and be video recorded. Since sessions take place on Zoom, families can be located anywhere.

The program is open to families of autistic children (aged 2-7) who employ the sue of sentences or short phrases to communicate and struggle to manage their emotions. Access to a computer or smartphone, secured internet and Bluetooth or wire headphones are needed for participation. Families will need to have the ability and willingness to be video recorded and meet daily for ten 50-minute sessions delivered within two weeks. All research participation is voluntary.

For more information or to schedule an intake, please contact the UCSB Koegel Autism Center by emailing autism@education.ucsb.edu or calling 805-893-2049.

The Koegel Autism Center (pronounced “kay-gull”) is internationally recognized for its innovative autism research and clinical training. The center is part of the University of California, a not-for-profit state institution of higher learning. Led by Center Director Dr. Ty Vernon and Clinical Director Dr. Anna Krasno, the center focuses on the development and implementation of strength-based, motivational interventions and supports for individuals and families affected by autism spectrum disorders. Intervention models developed at the center include the Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT) and the Social Tools And Rules for Teens (START) programs.

PCIT is an evidence-based treatment backed by over 30 years of research for children ages 2 to 7 who have challenging behaviors. PCIT teaches parents and other caregivers how to enhance their relationship with their child, increase positive behaviors in children, and reduce problem behaviors in home, school, and public places. PCIT therapists work with the caregiver and child together to improve child behavior and reducing parenting stress.