Luke Janes, Jill Sharkey, Chunyan Yang, Jenny Schiller, Tyler Renshaw

Luke Janes (l) with Dept of CCSP faculty, students, alums at APA 2018: Jill Sharkey, Chunyan Yang, Jenny Schiller, Tyler Renshaw

UC Santa Barbara Career Services and the Graduate Student Association have announced that Luke Janes of UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School is one of the winners of their 2018 Graduate Student Internship Fellowship.

The purpose of the Graduate Student Internship Fellowship is to assist graduate students with attaining experience related to career goals and professional development. The Graduate Student Internship Fellowship will be awarded to students who demonstrate how their summer or fall 2018 work experience will be impactful for their career trajectory and demonstrate financial need.

Luke Janes will be an Extern at Child Abuse Listening Mediation (CALM). He is enthusiastic about the chance to conduct individual, group, and family therapy for children, youth, and adults in Spanish and in a non-profit community agency. He will be providing prevention and treatment of trauma through skills he will develop in Dialectical Behavior Therapy and running therapeutic groups, opportunities that are outside of the school system with which he had been previously affiliated.

Luke Janes is a doctoral student in the Department of Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology with an emphasis in School Psychology working under Dr. Jill Sharkey. He received B.S.'s in Cognitive Science and Ecology/Evolution from UC San Diego in 2003, an M.Ed. in Education from UC San Diego in 2007, and a M.A. in Multicultural Counseling from San Diego State University in 2012. He has worked as public school teacher, a case manager at a homeless youth shelter, a counselor and program leader for several youth camps, and a diversity trainer for staff and students at various schools and community organizations. He helped create a youth activism camp that now operates in three states, and co-directed a training program for diversity trainers. He is currently working with Jill Sharkey in evaluating Santa Barbara County Drug Court and Mental Health Treatment Court, as well as community programs aimed at decreasing juvenile delinquency. He is particularly interested in Restorative Justice approaches to deepen community integration and resilience in the face of transgressions.