Melissa Morgan Consoli

Melissa Morgan Consoli outside the University of Rosario in Argentina

Melissa Morgan Consoli of UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School was invited to give the lecture entitled “La Resiliencia y Resiliencia Academica (Resilience and Academic Resilience)” at CONICET in Rosario, Argentina this August. CONICET is the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (National Council of Scientific and Technical Research), the main organization dedicated to the promotion of science and technology in Argentina. Its activity is developed in four large areas: Agricultural Sciences, Engineering and Materials; Biological and Health Sciences; Exact and Natural Sciences; and Social Sciences and Humanities. The area of social and human sciences offers a wide range of disciplines such as law, linguistics, psychology, education sciences, anthropology, archeology, geography, sociology, economics, among others.

Melissa Morgan Consoli is an Associate Professor in the Department of Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology. All of her research is conducted through a social justice lens, using qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods designs as well as community based research paradigms. Her goal is for research to be culturally relevant, informative in the development of prevention and other community programs, and useful in addressing societal issues of concern for the populations with whom she works.