crowd at Fast & Curious

The audience at the February 2018 Fast & Curious event

The next edition of the lecture series, “Fast & Curious: ED Talks from UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School,” will take place on Thursday, November 29 at 7 pm at the Faulkner Gallery at the Santa Barbara Public Library, 40 E. Anapamu St. The event, which is free and open to the public, will feature four faculty members, one graduate student, and one alumnus from the Gevirtz School giving no more than an eight-minute talk each about their research or work that is shaping education. This edition in particular will feature topics ranging from preventing ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences, so prevalent we’ve got an acronym for them) to de-mystifying the notion that new teaching standards have birthed a new math.

A reception in the Faulkner Gallery will follow immediately after the presentations.

This evening will be the fifth in the successful series and first of the 2018-19 school year. Videos of talks from the other evenings, which drew crowds of approximately 75 each, can be seen online.

Presenters and titles for November 29:

Miya Barnett, Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology, “Parenting with PRIDE: How Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Improves Relationships and Behaviors”
Julie Bianchini, Professor and Chair, Department of Education, “Moving Beyond ‘Just the Vocabulary’: How Beginning Science and Mathematics Teachers Learn to Teach Multilingual Learners”
Betsy Brenner, Professor, Department of Education, “A Tree Grows in IV: 20+ Years of Community Work”
Sabrina Liu, Doctoral candidate, Department of Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology, “Putting the Pieces Together to Address Childhood Adversity”
Gordon Morrell, Executive Vice President Yardi Systems, Ph.D., Gevirtz School, “The Long and Winding Road”
Chris Ograin, Lecturer with Security of Employment, Department of Education, “The Myth of the New Math”

The event is the brainchild of Professor Jeff Milem, who became Dean of the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education (GGSE) in July 2016. “Upon arriving in Santa Barbara I was struck not only by the immensely talented faculty and the breadth and depth of their research, but also by their commitment to the public good and their desire to make that research matter,” Milem explains. “This series is a very direct – and fun – way for faculty, alumni, and eventually our students to share their insights with the local community.”

The Gevirtz Graduate School of Education offers M.A.s, M.Ed.s, and Ph.D.s from the Department of Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology, the Department of Education and the Teacher Education Program, which also prepares students for teaching credentials. The School also offers three minors in Education, Applied Psychology, and Science & Mathematics Education. GGSE is a hub of educational innovation with world-class research produced by distinguished faculty and exceptional graduate students who are doing leading-edge work in research methods, science and mathematics education, literacy education, second language learning, culture and language, educational policy, autism, school safety, positive psychology, resilience and recovery from trauma, and strengths-based interventions with vulnerable populations. . . and this is only a partial list. The Gevirtz School is rated as a top education school among public universities by U.S. News & World Reports.

While the event is free and open to the public, we ask that attendees RSVP for planning purposes to: Please put “Fast & Curious” in the subject line.