cover of School Psychology Review

The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) is pleased to announce that Shane Jimerson, Ph.D., NCSP, has been selected as the Editor-Elect of School Psychology Review (SPR), NASP’s premiere peer-reviewed journal. Dr. Jimerson will begin his term as editor-elect in January 2020 and assume full editorship January 2021 for a 5-year term. He will succeed Amy L. Reschly, PhD, NCSP, who has served as SPR editor since 2016.

Dr. Jimerson is a Professor in the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology in the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education at UC Santa Barbara, and a Nationally Certified School Psychologist. He brings to SPR extensive leadership within the field and scholarship of school psychology both nationally and internationally. He is currently the Senior Editor for International Science for the School Psychology journal (he was Editor 2013–2016), President-Elect of the Society for the Study of School Psychology (2019–2021), and he was recently President of the International School Psychology Association (2014–2019). He has also served as President of Division 16 (School Psychology) of the American Psychological Association (2011–2013).

Dr. Jimerson has noted that his “professional and scholarly activities aim to advance and promote science, practice, and policy relevant to education and school psychology, in an effort to benefit children, families, and communities across the country and throughout the world.” He brings this commitment to his work with SPR.

SPR communicates advances in research, training, and practice related to psychology and education, and specifically to school psychology. The journal emphasizes original, data-based research that can contribute to the development of innovative prevention and intervention strategies and the evaluation of these approaches. It presents important conceptual developments and empirical findings from a wide range of relevant disciplines. An immediate focus for Dr. Jimerson will be working with current editor Dr. Amy Reschly in the coming year to transition SPR to an enhanced online publication platform as a part of NASP’s new partnership with Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

In addition to his current roles, Dr. Jimerson has previously served as the Editor of School Psychology Quarterly, Editor of The California School Psychologist journal (now known as Contemporary School Psychology), and Associate Editor of School Psychology Review, among many other editorial board roles. He has also served in leadership positions in numerous school psychology organizations, is author or editor of more than 350 publications, and is a highly respected presenter with expertise in developmental pathways of school success and failure, the efficacy of early prevention and intervention programs (grade retention among others), school psychology internationally, developmental psychopathology, and school crisis prevention and intervention.