cover Psychology Graduate School, by Steven Smith

Dr. Steven Smith of UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School has written Psychology Graduate School (Rowman & Littlefield, 2018).

Psychology Graduate School: A User’s Manual is a user-friendly description of what graduate study in clinical, counseling, and school psychology is really like. Rather than a mere how-to, this book describes the nitty-gritty of the graduate student experience in a casual style so prospective students will be prepared and successful. Written by an experienced graduate school professor, this book cuts to the heart of what someone experiences as a graduate student (good, bad, and otherwise). Topics include dealing with imposter syndrome, understanding faculty, starting clinical work, applying for internships, celebrating milestones, and crafting a professional narrative. Equal parts inspirational and instructive, the author cuts to the chase about how to deftly navigate the system while keeping your wits about you. Punctuated by quotes and stories from graduate students from all over the country, this readable and enjoyable text will be of interest to students in graduate school and those looking forward to graduate school.

Steve Smith is an Associate Professor in the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology. He teaches courses in assessment and serves as the Graduate Advisor. He is interested in masculine identity development and psychotherapy with boys and men, psychotherapy with athletes, healthy models of youth sport, and diversity issues in personality assessment.