Emmie Matsuno

This week we caught up with Emmie Matsuno who is completing their internship at the University of Pennsylvania. Emmie is an advanced doctoral student in counseling psychology and works with Dr. Tania Israel. They have worked previously at a community clinic, career services, and a local LGBT oriented clinic. Their research interests include transgender mental health, resilience, minority stress, internalized stigma, and intervention research. They are currently Vice President of the Santa Barbara Transgender Advocacy Network (SBTAN) and serves as a group facilitator for trans youth and young adults.Emmie is also a member of the APAGS committee on sexual orientation and gender diversity and a member of the Trans Task Force at UCSB.

GGSE: How are you doing? Are you enjoying your internship placement?
Matsuno: I'm doing great! I'm on internship at UPenn's college counseling center and it has been one of my best training experiences. The center is very social justice oriented and I love my co-workers!

GGSE: What does your internship position entail?
Matsuno: One of things I love most about my internship is that I get to engage in a variety of activities. In addition to providing individual therapy for undergraduate and graduate students, I supervise a psychology extern, lead a group for trans/non-binary students, and engage in campus and community outreach. Additionally, I've joined the sexual trauma treatment outreach and prevention team (STTOP), LGBTQ health working group, and the eating concerns team to develop more expertise in these areas. Another highlight has been attending seminars on social identities, social justice, and activism.

GGSE: Has this experience informed your research going forward?
Matsuno: Definitely! My research interests are focused on supporting trans and non-binary populations. This year I have been able to see more trans and non-binary clients individually and in group therapy. Learning about their experiences has sparked several research ideas for me regarding the types of minority stressors impacting their lives and strategies that may promote resilience. My clinical work has also reinforced my commitment to research on training for mental health providers to better serve trans/non-binary populations.

I'm excited to continue my research and clinical work through a post doctorate fellowship focused on LGBTQ well-being at Palo Alto University next year with Dr. Kimberly Balsam.