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The Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology (CCSP) at UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School will host a brown bag discussion “APA, Torture, and the Hoffman Report” on Wednesday, October 14 from 12 noon – 1 pm in ED 1217.

For many years the American Psychological Association (APA) denied allegations that the organization colluded with the Bush administration to support use of torture in the “war on terror.” In 2014 APA commissioned an independent review relating to APA ethics guidelines, national security interrogations, and torture. This review, commonly known as the Hoffman Report, after attorney David Hoffman of the law firm Sidley Austin who conducted the independent review in November 2014, was released in July 2015 and supported many of the allegations against APA.

Since the report has generated considerable activity and discussion within the psychology profession, this brown bag gathering will provide an opportunity to learn about the content and context of the Hoffman Report, share thoughts and feelings, and consider implications for psychology ethics, training, and practice. Shane Jimerson, chair of CCSP, will provide a brief presentation about the Hoffman Report, followed by open conversation. All are welcome. Feel free to bring your lunch.

A wealth of information, including the full Hoffman Report, is available on the APA website.