CCSP students with a presentation poster

The Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology (CCSP) at the UC Santa Barbara Gevirtz School will be holding a Research Festival on Monday, November 16 from 8:30 am to 12:00 noon in ED 1217. The festival is free and open to the public. Ten students will be presenting their cutting-edge research during the symposium event.

The presenters’ research spans relevant topics such as anxiety and depression, racism, LGBT issues, and more. Topics particularly interesting to those involved in education include research on preventing school dropouts, teaching empathy, and problem solving. All students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend; 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year students in CCSP are required to attend.

8:30 am Breakfast

8:55 am Welcome

9:00 am Danielle Dougherty • Reconstructing Youth: Promoting Strengths to Prevent School Dropout

9:15 am Althea Wroblewski • Using a Social Emotional Screening Measure to Predict Truancy

9:30 am Kathryn Hawley • Teaching Positive Empathy and Increasing Life Satisfaction through Psychoeducational Groups

9:45 am Rondy Yu • RTI in Restrictive Settings: Examining Fidelity of Implementation and Student Outcomes of the Tiers of Intensive Emotionally Responsive Services (TIERS) Model

10:00 am Emily Unzueta • International Engagement and Training among Counseling Psychology Graduate Students: A Qualitative Analysis

10:15 am Break

10:25 am Evelyn Plumb • Constructing Pathways to the Best Possible Self: A Quasi-Experimental Intervention in an Undergraduate College Class

10:40 am Andrew Choi • Internalized Racial Oppression in Asian Americans: Measure Development and Initial Evaluation

10:55 am Stephanie Moore • Using the Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scales-21 with U.S. Adolescents: An Alternate Models Analysis

11:10 am Sarah Babcock • Power of Play: Effects of Structured Recess and Problem-Solving on Children's Behavior

11:25 am Stephanie Mendez • More Love, More Happiness: Belief-in-Others Protects Lesbian/Gay-Victimized Youth from Suicide and Depression

11:40 am Emmie Matsuno • Measuring Attitudes of Cisgender, Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Individuals towards Transgender Individuals

11:55 am Closing Remarks

The Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology is accredited by the American Psychological Association for the Ph.D. in the areas of counseling, clinical, and school psychology. In addition, the School Psychology specialization offers a pupil personnel services credential, en route to a Ph.D., that is approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the National Association of School Psychologists. The CCSP Department adheres to a scientist-practitioner training model. Primary emphasis is placed on developing knowledge and skills that inform applied psychology research and practice. Graduates enter academic and other leadership roles in professional psychology.