CCSP Research Festival 2017 flyer

The Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology (CCSP) at the UC Santa Barbara Gevirtz School will be holding a Research Festival on Friday, November 17 from 8:45 am to 12 pm in the MultiPurpose Room, Student Resources Building, UC Santa Barbara. The festival is free and open to the public. Eleven students will be presenting their cutting-edge research during the symposium event. In order to receive their Master’s degree, all 2nd year CCSP students submit a research festival proposal in the spring. As 3rd year students, they present their findings to the department.

The presenters’ research spans relevant topics such as the autism spectrum, gangs, resilience and thriving, and more. All students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend; 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year students in CCSP are required to attend.

8:15 am Breakfast

8:45 am Agustina Bertone • A Measurement Invariance Study of the Social Emotional Health Survey- Higher Education Version

9:00 am Haley Meskunas • Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of a Parenting Behavior Scale by Parent Gender and Child Age

9:15 am Shereen Cohen • Teaching Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder How to Recognize and Respond to Non-Verbal Cues in Social Conversation

9:30 am Elizabeth McGarry • Overcoming Barriers to Mass Dissemination: A Pilot Online Pivotal Response Treatment Training Program for Parents of Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder

9:45 am Break

10:00 am Margaret Boyer • Exploring the Effectiveness of a Values Affirmation Exercise as a Brief Positive Mood Induction

10:15 am Jennifer Scheller • Exploring Effective English Oral Language Development Instructional Strategies for Spanish Speaking Dual Language Learners in Designated English Language Development

10:30 am Caitlin Merrill • Development of a Web-Based Coping Skills Training for Transgender Individuals

10:45 am Gina Vanegas • Treatment Engagement among Individuals living with Co-Occurring Mood and Substance Abuse Disorders

11:00 am Break

11:15 am Luke Janes • Exploring the Attitudes Towards Gangs Survey Using Factor Analysis and Latent Class Analysis

11:30 am María Vázquez • Preliminary Findings from a Qualitative Study of Resilience and Thriving in Formerly Incarcerated Latino Males

11:45 am Kelly Whaling • “I don’t wanna live no more”: Prevalence Rates of Chronic Hopelessness, Suicidal Ideation, and Suicide Attempt among Adolescent Latina/o Gang Members

12:00 pm Concluding Remarks

The Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology is accredited by the American Psychological Association for the Ph.D. in the areas of counseling, clinical, and school psychology. In addition, the School Psychology specialization offers a pupil personnel services credential, en route to a Ph.D., that is approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the National Association of School Psychologists. The CCSP Department adheres to a scientist-practitioner training model. Primary emphasis is placed on developing knowledge and skills that inform applied psychology research and practice. Graduates enter academic and other leadership roles in professional psychology.