The Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology (CCSP) at the UC Santa Barbara Gevirtz School will be holding a Research Festival on Monday, November 15 from 8:40 am to 12:05 pm via Zoom at https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/87622448156. The festival is free and open to the public. Eleven students will be presenting their cutting-edge research during the symposium event. In order to receive their Master’s degree, all 2nd year CCSP students submit a research festival proposal in the spring. As 3rd year students, they present their findings to the department.
The presenters’ research spans relevant, intersectional topics such as Parent Child Interaction Therapy, improving mental health care, school psychology, and more.
8:40 am Welcome
8:45 am María Jiménez Muñoz • Breaking Down Barriers: Intensive Online PCIT for Parents of Autistic Children
9:00 am Chava Nerenberg • Barriers and Facilitators to Aid Workers’ Mental Health Utilization
9:15 am Yessica Green Rojas • Examining English and Spanish Speaking Therapist Behaviors in Parent Child Interaction Therapy
9:30 Amaranta (Amy) Ramírez • Exploring the connections between social media and social connection among sexual and gender minority young adults.
9:45 am Break
10:00 am Isabel López • Social Representation of Psychotherapy by Low-income Mexican/Mexican Americans who Accessed Specialty Care for Clinical Depression
10:15 am Samira Amirazizi • Parental Self-Efficacy: Impact of a Brief School Readiness Parent Intervention
10:30 am Jazzmyn S. Ward, M.A. • The Mutual Influence of Parent-Child Emotion Regulation on Posttraumatic Stress Following Flood Exposure
10:45 am Chongzheng Wei, M.Ed. • Measuring internalized binegativity and its association with mental health risks among bisexuals in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan
11:00 am Break
11:15 am Emily Edelman • Family School Readiness: Supporting Parents in the Transition to Kindergarten
11:30 am Natalie A. Lárez • Transformational Resistance: Implementing Youth Participatory Action Research at a Continuation High School
11:45 am Alessandra (Allie) M. Mittelstet • The Relationship between Technology Usage and Psychological Wellbeing
12:00 noon Closing Remarks
The doctoral program in Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the American Psychological Association as a combined psychology program. CCSP adheres to a scientist-practitioner training model; therefore, heavy emphasis is placed on developing academic, research, and practitioner knowledge and skills. The organizing themes that integrate the identity of the department are (a) the values of human diversity and individual differences (b) health and development across the lifespan, and (c) ecological (e.g., family, school, societal) influences on human behavior.
Degrees: Ph.D. in Counseling, Clinical, or School Psychology; M.Ed. with Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Psychology or M.A. in Counseling Psychology offered as an option en route to the Ph.D. once a student is admitted; terminal M.Ed. in School Psychology.