CCSP Class of 2020 Commencement Ceremony
Twenty-eight doctoral candidates from UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz Graduate School of Education took part in graduation ceremonies in the academic year 2019-20. Listed below are the new CCSP and ED Ph.D.s and their dissertation titles.
Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology
Amy Barrett, “Symptom Presentation of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder after Adverse Childhood Experiences”
Agustina Bertone, “Culturally-Responsive Practices to Support Latinx Preschool Children”
Andy Choi, “Behavioral Risk in Bisexual Youth: Comparing First- and Second- order Latent Class Typologies”
Shereen Cohen, “Impact of the START Intervention on Social Competencies for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder”
Taylor Damiani, “Posttraumatic Growth, Purpose, and Trauma in Survivors of Sexual Assault”
Kelly Edyburn, “Strengths-Based Assessment of Spanish-English Bilingual Language Development in Early Childhood: An Examination of Validity via Rasch Modeling”
Erin Engstrom, “Improving Daily Living Skills in College Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Using a Peer-Mediated Daily Living Checklist Intervention”
Ari Goldstein, “Stop, Collaborate, and Breathe: An Examination of the Impact of a Novel Teacher Centered Classroom-Based Mindfulness Intervention for Elementary Aged Students”
Liz Greenfield, “Pilot RCT of an Online Pivotal Response Treatment Training Program for Parents of Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder”
Kate Hawley, “Positive Emotion and Relationships in the Latinx Community: The Influence of Positive Emotions on Feelings of Trust and Closeness to Others”
Krishna Kary, “Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Sexual Minority Internalized Stigma”
Jordan Ko, “Improving the Social Interactions and Evaluations of Adolescents with ASD: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial of the START Socialization Program”
Sabrina Liu, “Childhood Adversity and Health Among Ethnic Minority Youth: Patterns, Pathways and Protective Factors”
Emmie Matsuno, “The Development of an Online Intervention to Increase Supportive Behaviors Among Parents of Transgender Youth”
Danny Meza, “A Phenomenological Study of Psychological Thriving Associated with Participation in Chicanx Studies”
Katie Moffa, “Exploration of Two Alternative Approaches to Dual-Continua Mental Health Classification among High School Students”
Evelyn Plumb, “Client Perspectives on Clinician Multicultural Competence in Racially and/or Ethically Cross-Cultural, Strengths-Based Psychotherapy”
Josh Sheltzer, “Program Components of an After-School Music Program: A Multiple Case Study How Successfully Engaged Underserved Alumni Experienced Key”
Sruthi Swami, “Moderated Mediation Analysis of Racial Discrimination on the School Success of Asian American High School Students”
Allie Wroblewski, “Associations between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Parenting Stress, and Early Childhood Behavior Problems”
Department of Education
Terri Cecchine, “Female Wrestlers: Grappling the Head Locks of Oppression”
Angela Ente, “Being Whole Together: A Study of Blended Family Life on the Spectrum”
David Hallowell, “Spatial Reasoning in Elementary School Children’s Geometry Insight: A Neo-Piagetian Developmental Proposal”
Jacob Kirksey, “The Ripple Effects of Immigration Enforcement in K-12”
Simeng Li, “Examining the Effects of Application-based Instruction on Social Communication and Interaction Skills in Chinese Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders”
Javier Pulgar, “Performance on Well and Ill-Structured Problems in University Physics: The Role of Instruction in Cooperative Learning”
Meghna Soni, “Third Graders’ Early Understanding of Fractions: Comparison of Unidimensional and Two-dimensional Number Lines”
Tiange Wang, “Curriculum Bridging across Chinese and English Instructional Time in a Dual Language Education Program”