The Gevirtz School is a campus partner co-presenting Hiding in Plain Sight: Youth Mental Illness, a two-part documentary from executive producer Ken Burns about the youth mental crisis in America. Episode 1: The Storm will be screened on Tuesday, January 31, and Episode 2: Resilience will be screened on Wednesday, February 1. Both events will take place at 6:30 PM at UCSB Campbell Hall. Panel discussions with local leaders in mental health will follow both events. The event is part of UCSB Arts & Lectures 2022-23 series Justice for All, presented in association with the Gevirtz School and Youthwell.
The Storm, the first two-hour episode, focuses on more than twenty young people who provide an intimate look at what it’s like to experience the symptoms of mental illness, from depression to addiction to suicide ideation. It includes insights from families, providers, and advocates and explores the impact of childhood trauma, stigma, and social media. In Resilience, the second episode, interviewees speak about finding help and inpatient/outpatient treatment. The episode also explores the criminalization of mental illness and the “double stigma” that occurs when mental illness is combined with racial or gender discrimination.
Hiding in Plain Sight: Youth Mental Illness ultimately aims to give voice to the experiences of young people who struggle with mental health challenges and focus on the importance of awareness and empathy. These themes fall perfectly in line with the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology’s mission to generate research that fosters the psychological well-being and social equity of all people, especially vulnerable populations.
This is a free event that is open to the public. For more information on registration, see https://artsandlectures.ucsb.edu or call 805-893-3535.