Michela Lenzi

Dr. Michela Lenzi, project scientist at the Gevirtz School, hired for an international tenure track position

GGSE News > Dept. of Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology

Shane Jimerson

Shane Jimerson named 2014 Outstanding International Psychologist by the American Psychological Association

GGSE News > Dept. of Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology

Nicole Gee and Michael Perez

The Gevirtz School names its 2014-15 Tuohy Scholars

GGSE News > Teacher Education Program

CTPSE students

The Gevirtz School holds an information meeting for students interested in CalTeach Physical Sciences and Engineering

GGSE News > Contracts and Grants, Dept. of Education, Teacher Education Program

2014-15 Hearst Scholars

The Gevirtz School names its 2014-15 Hearst Scholars

GGSE News > Teacher Education Program

Sue Johnson, Kathleen Foltz, Julie Bianchini, Jin Sook Lee, Christopher Ograin

Julie Bianchini of the Gevirtz School lead PI for a nearly $800,000 NSF grant to fund teacher candidates in STEM for English Language Learners

GGSE News > Contracts and Grants, Dept. of Education, Teacher Education Program

Heidi Zetzer

Heidi Zetzer co-presents Psychiatric Grand Rounds at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital on November 12

GGSE News > Alumni, Dept. of Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology

participants at the Pathway Project writing on the first day

$1.48 million grant for 7-12 grade teacher professional development begins at the Gevirtz School

GGSE News > Contracts and Grants, Dept. of Education, Teacher Education Program