Heidi Zetzer

Dr. Heidi Zetzer has been chosen as president-elect of the Association of Psychology Training Clinics (APTC). Zetzer currently serves as the Board Member-at-Large responsible for new directors and mentoring and the Chair of the Awards Committee. She will transition to the position of president-elect at the Annual APTC Meeting in March 2016. The position is part of a six-year rotation as president-elect, president, and past-president.

The Association of Psychology Training Clinics (APTC) is the national organization for directors of psychology training clinics. Its members are directors of clinics that are typically associated with pre-doctoral graduate training programs in professional psychology – clinical, community, counseling, clinical child, and school psychology – at regionally accredited universities.

The organization’s mission is to support and represent the interests of its member directors and their clinics. APTC provides its members and the national training community with Administrative Guidelines for Psychology Training (revised July, 2015) and The Practicum Competencies Outline: Report on Practicum Competencies. APTC members have access to support and communication tools such as clinic manuals, template forms for clinical documentations, guidelines for training clinics, and more.

Zetzer is on sabbatical for the 2015-16 academic year. She is currently a Visiting Scholar with the Maryland Psychotherapy Clinic and Research Lab, Department of Psychology, University of Maryland, College Park. Dr. Zetzer has developed a qualitative research project with Professors Clara Hill and Mary Ann Hoffman studying parallel process in clinical supervision. Dr. Zetzer will conduct 16 interviews asking supervisors to describe incidents of parallel process with UMD students transcribing the interviews and a team of coders from UCSB coding the interviews.

At UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School, Zetzer works as a Lecturer with Security of Employment (LSOE) in the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology (CCSP) and as the Director of the Hosford Counseling & Psychological Services Clinic, which is the department’s psychology training clinic. The Hosford Clinic provides affordable evidence-based culturally-responsive mental health services to members of the Santa Barbara community. It includes three centers: 1) The Carol Ackerman Positive Psychology Clinic, 2) The Trauma Recovery & Resilience Center, and 3) the Psychology Assessment Center.