image of post-its with page title

The COVID-19 pandemic has radically altered how we consider and provide both education and applied psychology. To keep a record of what these changes are like from the front lines, the Gevirtz School has asked several of its faculty, staff, and students to provide us with public journal entries to share on our website and through social media. 

The entries, most recent to least recent, are collected on this page.

Or see the Bio/Post page, which provides bios for each journal-keeper and a list of their posts.

The Posts

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing Post 7: A 4th-grader's Journal in Quarantine--Lila Kia-Keating, July 21, 2020

Will my child fall behind in their education because of this pandemic? - Diana Arya 7-7-2020

Adapting and Evolving: Diana Arya 6-15-2020

Holdfast: Diana Arya 5-31-2020

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing Post 6: A 4th-grader's Journal in Quarantine--Lila Kia-Keating, 5-24-2020

The Power of Partnership: Devon Azzam, 5-21-2020

Bugging Out: Christina Wilburn 5-15-2020

Savoring Solitude: Devon Azzam, 5-15-2020

A Brave New World for Education: Diana Arya, 5-14-2020

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing Post 5: A 4th-grader's Journal in Quarantine--Lila Kia-Keating, 5-14-2020

Space, Virtual Space, and Garden Space: Camille Kavon, 5-11-2020

Throwing Stones: Mary Franitza 5-11-2020

Golden Girls: Cameron Dexter Torti 5-8-20

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing Post 4: A 4th-grader's Journal in Quarantine--Lila Kia-Keating, 5-7-2020

“Student Good News” Is Good News: Devon Azzam, 5-7-2020

Relationships and Routine: Michelle Grue 5-6-2020

Considering May Day Mid-Pandemic: Mary Franitza, 5-4-2020

Thank you for avoiding me: Diana Arya, 5-1-2020

Pieces of the Remote Learning Puzzle: Camille Kavon, 5-1-2020

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing Post 3: A 4th-grader's Journal in Quarantine--Lila Kia-Keating, 5-1-2020

Rescuing YAG: Devon Azzam, 4-30-2020

Sharpening the axe during a global pandemic: Cameron Dexter Torti 4-30-2020

If you give a grad student a deadline...: Cameron Dexter Torti, 4-27-2020

Cats, Casseroles, Coping: Mary Franitza, 4-26-2020

Doing the Next Right Thing: Diana Arya 4-24-2020

Sowing the SEED Project: Devon Azzam 4-23-2020

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing, Post 2: A 4th-grader's Journal in Quarantine--Lila Kia-Keating, 4-22-2020

Grief and the New Normal: Michelle Grue, 4-22-20

Working Remotely with a Three Year Old: Christina Wilburn 4-17-2020

Voting in Wisconsin: Mary Franitza 4-17-2020

Looking for Grace: Camille Kavon, 4-17-20

Coronadventures in Academia: Diana Arya 4-15-2020

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing*: A 4th-grader's Journal in Quarantine--Lila Kia-Keating, 4-15-2020

Keeping on Course at Harding: Devon Azzam 4-8-2020

Far Away TA: Cameron Dexter Torti 4-7-2020

Nature without the Nature: Devon Azzam, 4-1-2020