Gina Vanegas Martinez and Heidi Zetzer

Gina Vanegas Martinez receives her award from Dr. Heidi Zetzer, Hosford Clinic Director

Gina Vanegas Martinez, doctoral student at the Gevirtz School at UC Santa Barbara, have been given the Susan A. Neufeldt Award for Excellence in Clinical Supervision for 2018-19. This award is for service she performed at the Hosford Counseling and Psychological Services Clinic at UC Santa Barbara. The award is named in honor of a previous director of the Clinic.

In addition to her work at the Hosford Clinic, Vanegas Martinez is a graduate student mentor for the McNair Scholars Program at UCSB. She has a Master’s in School Counseling from Georgia State University. She will finish her Ph.D. in the Department of Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology in 2020, and is about to begin a year-long internship at the Miami-Dade County Community Action and Human Services Center.