the presenters at the May 23, 2017 Fast & Curious

The Gevirtz School and the Santa Barbara Public Library announce the third “Fast & Curious” lecture that features education and psychology research and practice that matters

GGSE News > Alumni, Dept. of Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology, Dept. of Education, Teacher Education Program

Jeff Milem at White House

The Gevirtz School announces the debut of The Dean’s Lecture Series on Education, Diversity and Democracy

GGSE News > Dept. of Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology, Dept. of Education, Teacher Education Program

Dean Jeffrey Milem

Dean Milem statement on the decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program

GGSE News > Alumni, Dept. of Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology, Dept. of Education, Teacher Education Program

St George Youth Center Mural Event

Stephanie Arguera coordinates mural painting by Isla Vista’s St. George Youth Center

GGSE News > Contracts and Grants, Dept. of Education

CCSP graduates on June 18, 2017

The Gevirtz School awards 43 doctorates in 2016-17

GGSE News > Alumni, Dept. of Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology, Dept. of Education

Ron Skinner, Danielle Harlow, Jody Skendarian

Danielle Harlow writes curriculum for Girl Scout MOXI patch

GGSE News > Dept. of Education, Teacher Education Program

Ty Vernon

Ty Vernon appointed director of UC Santa Barbara’s Koegel Autism Center

GGSE News > Alumni, Contracts and Grants, Dept. of Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology, Dept. of Education, Koegel Autism Center

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UC Santa Barbara CalTeach

GGSE News > Dept. of Education, Teacher Education Program