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Harding University Partnership School Comes to UCSB

GGSE News > Dept. of Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology, Dept. of Education, Teacher Education Program

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Jason Raley - The Fine Print of "Passion" in Our Schools

GGSE News > Dept. of Education, Teacher Education Program

Harding School students during their 2013 visit

The Harding University Partnership School brings its entire student body for a day of activities at UC Santa Barbara on May 9

GGSE News > Dept. of Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology, Dept. of Education, Teacher Education Program

a Teacher Education Program student leads a class

Survey of California’s principals highly rates UC-prepared teachers

GGSE News > Alumni, Teacher Education Program

Training session for the Santa Barbara Wellness Project

The faculty and students from the Gevirtz School provide over 150,000 volunteer hours annually to the greater Santa Barbara community

GGSE News > Dept. of Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology, Dept. of Education, Koegel Autism Center, Teacher Education Program

The 2013-14 Hearst and Tuohy Scholars

The Gevirtz School names its 2013-14 Hearst and Tuohy Scholars

GGSE News > Teacher Education Program

the 2013-2014 Noyce Scholars

The Gevirtz School names its 2013-14 Noyce Scholars

GGSE News > Teacher Education Program

Faculty and international scholars at an event at the Gevirtz School

The Gevirtz School highlights the international work of some of its faculty members

GGSE News > Dept. of Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology, Dept. of Education, Teacher Education Program