If you are planning on pursuing the Science and Mathematics Education Minor, you are required to petition to declare the minor before you can enroll in any of our required CORE courses.
You are welcome to enroll in CalTeach and/or Disciplinary Content and Practicum Courses without declaring the minor first.
Welcome to the Education Department's Science and Mathematics Education Minor.
There are two minor tracks:
one for prospective elementary teachers
one for prospective secondary mathematics and science teachers.
This Science and Mathematics Education Minor is an integral part of UCSB’s CalTeach. CalTeach is a UC-wide initiative intended to recruit more undergraduates into science and mathematics teaching, and to better prepare these beginning teachers to meet the needs of diverse learners in California’s public schools.
- Science and Mathematics Education Minor, Elementary Track Worksheet 2022-23
- Science and Mathematics Education Minor, Elementary Track Worksheet 2023-24
- Science and Mathematics Education Minor, Elementary Track Worksheet 2024-25
The Elementary Track of the Science and Mathematics Education Minor is for undergraduates interested in becoming elementary teachers -- teachers who are well prepared to teach mathematics and science to their students. Undergraduates who enroll in this track of the Minor will gain a deeper understanding of science and mathematics content, students and student learning, instructional strategies effective in conveying content to students, and the structure and purposes of schools. They will observe, help design, and participate in the teaching of science and mathematics to elementary students.
Elementary Track Minor Course Requirements
Students are required to complete 26 units from the courses below.
If a lower division student, please email instructor for the add code.
- ED 128 CalTeach, Elementary Mathematics Education (4 units)
- ED 129 CalTeach, Elementary Science Education (4 units)
- ED 111 Introduction to Child and Adolescent Development (4 units)
- ED 123 Culture, Development and Education (4 units)
- ED 125* Schooling in the U.S. (4 units)
- ED 126 Social Connectedness, Motivation, and Self-Regulation in Education (4 units)
- ED 145 Introduction to Research Methods (4 units)
- ED 150 Teaching and Teachers (4 units)
* ED W 125 is the online version of ED 125
- ED 132 Innovative Practices for English Language Learners in K-12 Mathematics and Science Classrooms (4 units)
- ED 133 Physics and Everyday Thinking (4 units)
- ED 137 Equity in STEM Education (4 units)
- ED 138 Computer Science and Engineering Design in Elementary School (4 units)
- ENV S 127A Foundations of Environmental Education (4 units)
- MATH 100A* Mathematics for Elementary Teaching I (3 units)
- CHEM 193 Internship in Chemistry: SciTrek (by Feldwinn only, 1 unit, need 3 units)
- EEMB 182 Communicating Ocean Science (3 units)
- ED 139 Community Based Coastal Literacies (4 units)
- ENV S 127B Advanced Environmental Education and Practicum (4 units)
- ENV S 191 Nature and Science Education Practicum (4 units)
* This course fulfills a prerequisite for UCSB's Teacher Education Program for multiple subject teacher candidates.
- Science and Mathematics Education Minor, Secondary Track Worksheet 2022-23
- Science and Mathematics Education Minor, SecondaryTrack Worksheet 2023-24
- Science and Mathematics Education Minor, Secondary Track Worksheet 2024-25
The Secondary Track of the Science and Mathematics Education Minor is for science, mathematics, and engineering undergraduates interested in teaching mathematics or science. Undergraduates who enroll in this track of the Minor will gain a deeper understanding of science and mathematics content, students and student learning, instructional strategies effective in conveying content to students, and the structure and purposes of schools. They will observe, help design, and participate in the teaching of science or mathematics to elementary, middle, and high school students.
Secondary Track Minor Course Requirements
Students are required to complete 23 units from the courses below.
If a lower division student, please email instructor for the add code.
- ED 130 CalTeach, Secondary Mathematics Education (4 units)
- ED 131 CalTeach, Secondary Science Education (4 units)
- ED 111 Introduction to Child and Adolescent Development (4 units)
- ED 123 Culture, Development, and Education (4 units)
- ED 125* Schooling in the U.S. (4 units)
- ED 126 Social Connectedness, Motivation, and Self-Regulation in Education (4 units)
- ED 145 Introduction to Research Methods (4 units)
- ED 150 Teaching and Teachers (4 units)
* ED W 125 is the online version of ED 125
- ED 132 Innovative Practices for English Language Learners in K-12 Mathematics and Science Classrooms (4 units)
- ED 133 Physics and Everyday Thinking (4 units)
- ED 136/ENV S 136 Green Works: Exploring Technology and the Search for Sustainability (4 units)
- ED 137 Equity in STEM Education (4 units)
- EEMB 127 Plant Biology and Biodiversity (4 units)
- ENV S 127A Foundations of Environmental Education (4 units)
- ENV S 149/ANTH 149/GEOG 161 World Agriculture, Food and Population (4 units)
- MATH 181A/ED 134 Advanced Problem Solving in Mathematical, Historical, and Pedagogical Contexts (4 units)
- PHYS 120 Physics of California Waves, Weather, Quakes and Fires (4 units)
- CHEM 102 Teaching Chemistry at the High School/Junior High Level (4 units)
- EEMB 182 Communicating Ocean Science (3 units)
- ENV S 127B Advanced Environmental Education and Practicum (4 units)
- ENV S 166FP/ANTH 166FP/GEOG 171FP Small-Scale Food Production (5 units)
- ENV S 191 Nature and Science Education Practicum (4 units)
- MATH 181B/ED 135 Advanced Problem Solving in Mathematical, Historical and Pedagogical Contexts (4 units)
- PHYS 160J Physics Outreach (1 unit; must be taken 3-4 times in order to reach minimum total minor units. Does not need to be consecutive.)
If you are having difficulty in completing your units for this minor, please contact a Faculty Advisor or the Student Affairs Office for advice on how to proceed.
- Faculty Advisor
Dr. Christopher Ograin
UCSB CalTeach Faculty
Departments of Mathematics/Education
- Student Affairs Advisor:
Undergraduate Contact