Jeff Milem and Wei Zhang

Gevirtz School Dean Jeff Milem with South China Normal University's Department of Psychology Dean Wei Zhang

A group of 11 faculty and students from the School of Psychology at South China Normal University (SCNU) met with UC Santa Barbara’s Gevirtz School on February 27 to develop a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to establish research and training partnerships. The contingent was led by Dr. Wei Zhang, Professor and Dean of SCNU’s School of Psychology.

Mian Wang of the Gevirtz School’s Department of Education, along with Chunyan Yang and Michael Furlong of the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology, hosted the guests. During their visit the group not only planned the MOU but also toured the Gevirtz School’s Koegel Autism Center, Hosford Counseling & Psychological Services Clinic, McEnroe Reading & Language Arts Clinic, and the International Center for School-based Youth Development.

South China Normal University is an institution of higher education with a long history and a rich legacy. Situated in Guangzhou, the open metropolis in South China, SCNU is imbued with Lingnan’s pioneering and pragmatic spirits. SCNU has 38 schools or colleges, sets up 84 undergraduate majors, including 32 master’s degree authorization under the first level discipline, more than 200 master degree programs; 15 first level disciplines authorized to offer doctorate degree, more than 100 doctoral degree programs. There are more than 2000 full-time teachers, including 1098 senior teachers, 1161 doctor and master instructors. It has 24894 full-time undergraduates, including 7553 master degree candidates, 842 doctoral candidates, 1019 international students.